Thanks to the support of The Scottish Football Partnership, Alloa Athletic recently completed the upgrading of the mains power supply serving the Indodrill Stadium. For a number of years, the Club faced a dilemma during the colder winter months due to limitations on the amount of power available. This was due to the restrictions on both the local power supply infrastructure and the wiring capacity serving the stadium. The situation was so marginal that the Club had to switch off all heating in the main Club building during games in order to prioritise the power supply to the floodlighting. In order to draw more power, a significantly larger supply cable had to be laid to allow the new supply to be connected to the current distribution network. The completed project will now mean that the power available will easily meet current and any foreseeable future demand to ensure no interruption to games and to ensure the health and safety, comfort and experience of those attending. The club’s Chairman, Mike Mulraney commented “This project shows the value of capital investment funding to the Scottish game. High profile projects often attract lots of publicity but investment in the unseen infrastructure is just as important. I look forward to increased availability of funding in the years to come, targeted and delivered for maximum positive benefit to all clubs and the communities they serve.”