Albion Rovers Football Club has just completed a major infrastructure project at their ground involving the upgrading of the floodlight system. The project attracted funding assistance from The Scottish Football Partnership which supported around 50% of the capital costs.
Colin Woodward the club’s Secretary said; “The playing area and surroundings at The Reigart Stadium are vast, and as such we typically require to carry out remedial work on the lights every year. This year however we recognised that a major upgrade was required, and with the help of the Scottish Football Partnership, we have managed to install 6 new floodlights with bespoke wiring on to each of our 4 pylons. This upgrade has made a significant difference to our lux levels and the quality of light we now have and as club we could not have undertaken work of this magnitude without the generous help of the SFP. Everyone at Albion Rovers is extremely grateful for the help and assistance given”.