Troon Spartans YFC, a club right at the heart of the Struthers community in the Ayrshire town of Troon, were recently awarded funding to assist with the purchase of a new storage pod which will allow the club to safely store all their training kit and equipment at the community area near Struthers Primary School.
Steven Law, club treasurer commented “Our club, Troon Spartans YFC, are delighted with the support offered to us from The Scottish Football Partnership Trust – it is greatly appreciated! Without the support from SFPT we would have been in a constant uphill battle to meet our core objectives for the year. The SFP Trust carries out unbelievable work in communities in helping youth football clubs such as ours at key stages in their growth. One of our key objectives is to get children involved in football, in our local community there was limited infrastructure to allow us to do so but with the award of a storage container to store all our equipment we have made significant strides to achieving our plan. We look forward to continuing to work closely with them in the future! From all of us at the club – THANK YOU”