The funding from the SFP Community Initiative will allow Hibernian Community Foundation to continue the delivery of their significant community activities for 2-5 year olds (Hibs Tots); 5-12 year olds (football centres and holiday camps), girls and ladies football (Hibernian Girls and Ladies) and those with a disability (Lothian Hibernian, partnerships with Lothian Autistic Society and the National Deaf Children’s Society). The Foundation’s aim is to offer a complete player pathway for children as young as two up to adulthood, to allow these players to train, develop and play with the creation of the Hibernian Community Football Club. Against this background, the award from the Community Initiative will be used for additional free places across the range of provisions mentioned above for those on low income and will include delivery of training and playing kit, equipment specific to disability football, packs for parents/carers and a coach education programme particularly around inclusion, corporate parenting and disability awareness. Wendy MacAdie, Executive Director of the Community Foundation said “These projects will assist the Foundation in promoting our commitment to participation in grassroots football, regardless of income, ability or disability and will allow a considerable number of children, young people and adults to access the game and encourage the growth of football in the Edinburgh area.”