Since 2013, Pollok United have been maintaining their 3G pitch in Corkerhill independently but when their maintenance equipment became obsolete, they found that they had to enlist the services of a local company to complete the brushing of the surface at a cost of around £400 a month which was an expense the club could ill-afford. For the club to maintain the pitch to a high standard, they decided to purchase some new machinery and, along with other funders, the SFP Trust were only too pleased to help with the costs involved. This fantastic grassroots club work with all age-groups in the local area of Corkerhill and the pitch is used constantly to serve its young players and members of the community. Andy Elliott, Development Officer at PUSA commented: “Thanks to the support from The Scottish Football Partnership Trust, Pollok United have been able to purchase our new tractor which will help us maintain Dennis Donnelly Park independently, allowing more of our funds to be invested back into our club. This will also help extend the lifespan of the astro and continue to provide a first class environment for our members to enjoy.”