We’re now into week seven of FooTea and last Friday the youngsters from St. Winning’s and Pennyburn Primaries came together to focus on the difference between good and bad fats in their diets. The kids were taught how fat acts as the body’s reserve tank of energy, can protect their organs, helps them stay warm in cold weather and keeps their skin and hair healthy. They were taught the foods that contain good fats (unsaturated) and those that contain bad fats (saturated) and were encouraged to stay away from the “sometimes” foods which contain too much of the bad fats. They were particularly shocked to learn that a McDonald’s Big Mac contains 9.5g of saturated fat which is around 50% of their daily allowance… yuk! The football hour this week concentrated on shooting, with the kids encouraged to be positive in their play and to attempt different shooting options – side foot, front foot, knee over the ball etc. It was then on to the café for a hot, healthy meal and to enjoy some social time together. We look forward to welcoming the group back next Friday for week 8 of FooTea before the Christmas break.